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What is Current

What is Current ?

Current is simple meaning and daffiaction is an flow of electron charge is called current.Current unit is Ampere (A) Current show to (I)

Current are in two types:
Ac Current mean alternating current.
Dc Current mean Direct Current 

Alternating current definition :

AC current change direction and value in every second to constant speed is called ac current.

  Direct Current : 

Dc Current flow in only one direction is called direction current.

If we can current flow in electrical wire then across wire produced magnetic field.If wire change in wounded shape then wire work as a magnet. 

Wapda electrical current example of electrical alternation current.
Battery current example of direct current.
Current ( i ) = charge / time =  q / t

Current can define as ohms law
1 ampare =1 coulomb/sec
1 amp=1volt / 1 ohm

Alternating current have two types single phas and tree phase 

Three Phase  diagram:

Single phase have 220 volts and three phase supply have 3 phase and 1 neutral and 440 volts.
Single phase supply mostly use in homes and thee phase supply mostly use in factory or industries.

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